So finally here's the final inks, first the full length..

And a close up head & boobies shot...

As mentioned in the comments on my last post, she was kinda based on Michelle Trachtenberg (Eurtotrip, Buffy The Vampire Slayer). It wasn't a direct carbon copy portrait, but more of an "inspired by" pic. I was mainly trying for her cuteness in terms of her face, particularly the eyes, eyebrows & lips. Anyways she'll be coloured up as soon as I get my PC up & running..
And as a bonus here's a quick shot from an upcoming piccy, Elexis Sinclaire from the PC game "Sin". This is just her face, as I drew the body seperately but couldn't get the level of detail I wanted in the face. Therefore I drew the face much larger, and I'll composite them together in Photoshop.

More soon.. Ciao!