My latest pin-up.
I've been conciously attempting to open up my style a little lately, as I felt I was drawing the same facial features over and over again, and looking back through my gallery quite a few of my pin-ups look kinda similar.
So in an attempt to change things slightly I've recently been studying a lot of Adam Hughes' work and trying to pick up some hints. I love the way he draws faces and expressions with minimal linework, and in particular the way he draws hair, and gives it that flowing, cascading feel.
Therefore I drew the hair a little differently in this image, and I think it works a lot better. I'll definitely be using this style again.
I also wanted to create a sexy, sensual image without falling back on showing the usual boobies.. although there is absolutely nothing wrong with a nice set of bean bags!
Boobies are wonderful.. but I can see how they would fel like short-hand to sexy. Your 'small of the back' in this picture is a nice alternative.
Lush lush lush :-)
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