My pin-up tribute to the very wonderful and oh-so-lovely Deviantart member Staceytron, aka Stacey Owens.
This one has been a while coming. Several times now I've promised Stacey that I'd draw her a pin-up, and nothing had come of it. Well as she's currently putting together a book of art containing various artists depictions of her alter ego, I decided I should get my ass in gear and live up to my promises!
Stacey has the ideal hour-glass body type for pin-up potrayal, and me being me I just had to go a little overboard on that ass of hers. All you guys out there that have been requesting a little more ass on my girls should enjoy this one!
I also played around with covering her face (in keeping with her photos), but decided to keep one eye peeping out from under that flurry of hair to give a little more connection with the viewer.
For those that don't know Staceytron (and she's built up quite a following so there can't be many of you), please do yourself a favour an drop by her page. She really is quite the inspiration, both in her physical and cerebral forms.
Check out the goddess herself on her deviantART page and send some love her way;
She is PERFECT....I love her...
Thanks! There's still some bits I'm not quite happy with but overall I'm pleased with her :)
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